Broaden - significado y definición. Qué es Broaden
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Qué (quién) es Broaden - definición

(broadens, broadening, broadened)
When something broadens, it becomes wider.
The trails broadened into roads...
The smile broadened to a grin.
= widen
VERB: V into/to n, V into/to n, also V
When you broaden something such as your experience or popularity or when it broadens, the number of things or people that it includes becomes greater.
We must broaden our appeal...
The political spectrum has broadened.
VERB: V n, V
·adj To grow broad; to become broader or wider.
II. Broaden ·vt To make broad or broader; to render more broad or comprehensive.
v. a.
Widen, make broad, enlarge, liberalize.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Broaden
1. Broaden and build theory.
A Life of Happiness And Fulfillment _ Prof Rajagopal Raghunathan _ Talks at Google
2. Broaden your passions.
Barbara Oakley _ Learning How to Learn _ Talks at Google
3. the frame to broaden it.
More than a Woman _ Tanzina Vega & Linda Sarsour + More _ Talks at Google
4. broaden, hopefully, into more legalization
_ Talks at Google
5. would have to broaden it.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence _ Paul Horowitz _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Broaden
1. Affluence may broaden choice; it also deepens the responsibility.
2. "This will help broaden minds to different cultures.
3. For Aamir, FANAA is another opportunity to broaden his range.
4. New listings broaden the market and attract new investors.
5. Many merchants oppose Ahmadinejad‘s plan to broaden taxation.